All Posts Tagged 'wigs'

Easy Halloween Costumes and Accessories to Pair with Clothing [Costume Guide]

by |March 12, 2025
Categories: Costume Guides

Easy Halloween Costumes and Accessories to Pair with Clothing

Wearing costumes for Halloween is fun, but it can sometimes feel like a chore if you have to deal with hats, gloves, tails, wings, and other costume accessories. Sometimes, you just want a simple costume that you can easily put on and take a costume kit that you can wear with your regular clothes! Whether you want an easy costume for work or you know you'll be wrangling kids on Halloween, we can show you some last minute Halloween costumes to fit your lifestyle!


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How to Stand Out in the Stands: Halloween Costumes for Sports Fans!

by |October 18, 2024
Categories: Costume Guides, Sports

How to Stand Out in the Stands: Halloween Costumes for Sports Fans!

Okay, so you're heading to the big game. You might not have guaranteed screen time from having prime seats by the penalty box, but if you'd like to be featured on TV or the Jumbotron, there's surely one way to stand out amongst your fellow fans: by going in costume!

Being pretty big sports fans ourselves, we've seen plenty of really super great costumes live on TV, posted in gifs, and for sale right here on our site. So, we thought it was about time to build the ultimate guide to attending the game in costume! Whether you'd like a traditional sports costume for your next event or are looking to push the limits and become a stadium star by getting glorified seconds on the replay screen, check out these costume selections and curated choices from around the web to help you get your sports costume ideas flowing!


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Red Wigs for All Your Costume Needs

by |July 21, 2023
Categories: Costume Guides

Red Wigs for All Your Costume Needs

From Daphne on Scooby-Doo to Black Widow in the MCU, redheads have always had a special place in movies and television. You can emulate a classic starlet this Halloween with a vintage dress and a glamorous red wig. Even storybook characters are known for their red locks. For example, the mean Red Queen from Alice in Wonderland is a perfect choice for Halloween mischief! However, kids who prefer treats over tricks will probably enjoy a red Ariel wig more. (Who doesn't love The Little Mermaid?) Check out all of these red wigs, in shades from bright flaming red to a tame auburn. We'll help you find the best wig for your Halloween costume!


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Wig Styling Tutorials from the Basics and Beyond

by |October 21, 2022

Wig Styling Tutorials from the Basics and Beyond

Wouldn't it be nice to have a different hairdo every day? Imagine rocking a stylish, asymmetrical bob during the week, but by the time the weekend rolls around, you'll be in cosplay sporting another 'do. You're probably thinking, "How can I make this happen?!" Synthetic wigs! No need for stressin' over your tresses, commitment-phobes! You don't have to make a long-term hairstyle switch, just throw your hair in a ponytail, grab a wig cap, and toss on a funky wig. Voilá! You're sporting a head-turning new coif without having to consult your stylist! If wigs are a little foreign to you, don't sweat it. We compiled some of the best online wig tutorials so you can ensure that your mane is always on point.


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