Superhero and Star Wars costumes are great, but sometimes you want a costume that's a little more...traditional. You know, like a witch or a vampire, maybe a ghost or skeleton. Those fun but scary costumes that are always in style! Or how about the classic Halloween costumes from decades past, like pumpkins and animals? Maybe even clowns and other funny costumes? Sure, costumes like this could sometimes be terrifying or outright incomprehensible, but we're reminiscing about the good ones! So if these are the types of old-fashioned, traditional, or vintage Halloween costumes that you're looking for, then this guide is for you. Let's take a trip through the Museum of Classic Costumes and find the perfect traditional Halloween costume!
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Decorating for Halloween can feel overwhelming at times. What theme should I pick? Which decorations make sense together? We're here to help take the stress out of Halloween decorating with some awesome décor bundle ideas! While everything may not come as a Halloween decoration set, you can create your own by pairing similarly-themed decorations. Zombie hands and torsos work wonderfully grouped with tombstones; the same can be said for witches and black cats. Follow along as we show you some Halloween décor hacks that will have your home looking haunted in no time!
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People have been telling stories about witches for, well, as long as they've been telling stories. The hags and crones in those early tales were evil, ugly monsters. Witches in modern media, however, are more three-dimensional. Many are good at heart, and even the evil ones leave us loving them! So with Halloween approaching, we thought it was time to look at some of our faves. Hop on your broom and join us as we explore the most iconic witches from pop culture!
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UPDATED: September 14, 2015
Finally! The fourth season of American Horror Story starts this month on October 8th. Ryan Murphy and his evil mind finally have brought the scariest thing in the entire world to primetime FX: murderous clowns. So, to keep our mind off of all the greasepaint, rubber shoes, and Twisty’s murder weapons, we put together some group costumes featuring the past three seasons of AHS. However, these characters are just as weird as Freak Show looks to...
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