Alright, let’s play a fun game! Imagine who or what your favorite Disney Princesses would go as for Halloween. Did you picture any Disney princess characters from a Tarantino film? No? Well, it’s the 25th anniversary of Reservoir Dogs this year, so we’ve got those movies on the mind. And so we thought it would be interesting to mashup Disney Princesses with...
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You did it! You finally signed up for a 5K, and you’re feeling awesome. Well, truthfully, you have a lot of nervous energy building up about it … but still, you’re mostly just stoked! A good pair of sneakers is integral, of course, but you’ve undoubtedly checked out pictures from previous races – people go all out for these events! (They aren’t classified as “fun runs” for nothing.) However, how do you know what to wear for each race? If you’re new to the running scene (or just need a refresher course), here’s our official guide to dressing up for your next 5K race....
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When growing up, the fear of monsters crawling out from under the bed or a boogie monster coming out of the closet reigns high. This can happen year round for little ones, with the fear even higher around the Halloween season. Whether its ghosts, ghouls, and vampires or scary movies on television, you can’t help but hear the shrieks from your little ones. Or can you? With movies such as “Where the Wild Things Are” and “Monsters Inc.” featuring monsters befriending...
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Origins of Trick-or-Treating
The Halloween custom now called trick-or-treating has its roots in the Middle Ages. Wassailing at Christmas was an early expression of the practice; wassailers would dress up in costumes and go from house to house singing Christmas carols, and would be given food and drinks by the residents. There was also a custom called “souling,” which originated in Ireland and Britain. Poor people would go from door to door on Hallowmas—November 1, also called...
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They blankly stare back at us from street corners to front porches. The hollow, orange faces seem to follow us everywhere we go, especially in October. Have you ever stopped and thought about why pumpkins are so interconnected with Halloween celebrations? It’s not Halloween, unless you’re ripping out the guts of one and munching on its seeds.

Dating back to the early pagan harvest festival, Samhain, celebrated by the Celts, the link between the...
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Little Red Riding Hood is one of the most popular fairy tales still told to this day. French storyteller Charles Perrault first published this classic tale in 1697, known then as Little Red Cap. Even though the story has been adapted several times over the past few centuries, Little Red remains one of the most recognizable fairy tale characters of all time. Described by the Brothers Grimm as “...a dear little girl who was loved by everyone who looked at her” and that had “a...
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