Do you have a best bud? Maybe he’s that guy who’s right at your side at the bars, or maybe he’s that dude always laying around on your couch mooching food. Maybe he’s that guy who’s always pulling you out of a tight situation, or perhaps he’s the one who drags you into bad situations in the first place. Either way, he’s got your back no matter what. If your looking to pair costumes, whether they be strange, quirky, funny and sometimes even dorky—this guide is dedicated to famous best bud costumes!
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2019 Update: We’ve added a transcript below the infographic.
It's hard to imagine a world without the Muppets. Quite frankly, you shouldn't try to imagine it. Without Jim Henson's lovable characters, everyone would probably be living in some awful dystopian world where cell phones are used to make phone calls instead of watching funny Kermit videos....
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Yes, it’s that time of year again! Why, it seemed like just yesterday that everyone was sitting at the edge of their seats, wondering if The Revenant would walk home with all of the awards, or if Mad Max: Fury Road could race to the finish line, getting an underdog win. Now, with the new list of nominees we can all only ponder who will reign victorious. There can be only one! (Why wasn’t The Highlander nominated this year?) Of course, a big award celebration like the Oscars is a great way for you to throw a party, so we’ve put together some tips for throwing a successful party for the Academy Awards. These party ideas should help you get your party plans in gear for the ceremonious occasion.
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The Man of Steel and the Dark Knight already duked it out earlier this year in Zack Snyder's Batman v Superman. In August, Suicide Squad aims to up the ante by forcing a whole bunch of supervillains to work together on a team and sending them on black ops missions for the government. (What could possibly go awry with that plan?) All that superhero movie action got the old brain-juices flowing about films based on the DC comic book universe. It seems like there have been a million Batman movies since Adam West first donned the costume and Superman sure hasn't been shy about showing up on the silver screen. Do you remember that time that Shaq was a superhero? How many movies has DC done anyways? Well, ponder no further! This handy infographic lists every theatrically release full-length film that DC has ever made.
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Video games have been telling stories since the days of Pong. Sure, a friendly game of table tennis on a Sunday afternoon may not be the next Citizen Kane, but the game still strives to show us an epic competition between two paddles! Other games take us on epic odysseys to a faraway land filled with princesses, dinosaurs, and tiny mushroom people, a la Super Mario Bros., and others, like the stories in Resident Evil, show us our own world, but with more zombies. With the treasure trove of tales to tell, it's not surprising that many games have taken the step into the silver screen. Some entered the movie scene like champs, while others crashed and burned in a glorious blaze of blue Hadouken flames. Since Blizzard has decided to take a stab at it with Warcraft, coming out on June 10th, we got inspired to put together this list of all the internationally released movies based on video games, which shows you which video game movies brought in the most coins and which ones tanked at the box office.
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If you're anything like us, you've gone out of your gourd over Mario Kart 8. You've probably spent hours trying to think of the best racing strategies. Heck, you've probably even dropped “best Mario Kart combination” in your search bar while at work (we do that all the time). It just seems natural to bring the Nintendo crew in for some Halloween decor and we're here to help...
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