Christmas time is here once again, and if you’re a good little boy or girl, you’ve already got everyone on your list exactly what they wanted. Now that all the shopping is done, do you just kick back unentertained, drinking copious amounts of egg nog in silence? No… you spend the rest of December watching Christmas movies, of course!
Santa has always been a significant part of almost any Christmas movie: he has a specific concept of good and evil, he always prefers faith over skepticism, and he can even be duplicitous—is he out to help us or is he out for himself? The best Santa movies have these kinds of themes that get to the heart of our holiday mythos. On the other side of the [chocolate] coin, there are the Santa movies where he goes to Mars or he gets his sleigh stuck in the sandy beaches of Florida. No matter which type of Christmas film you prefer, we think you’ll enjoy this chronological look at Santa Claus’ cinematic exploits in this very merry infographic.
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“You’ve taken your first step into a larger world…”
Okay, so Star Wars Episode VII: The Force Awakens isn’t even out yet, but Star Wars fans can’t contain their Death Star-sized excitement. Our normal countdown clock is usually for Halloween, but this year it's set to December 17th because that’s when Star Wars is finally back in theaters....
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Love is in the air and that can only mean one thing--Valentine's Day is only a couple weeks away! Don't panic, because we here at HalloweenCostumes.com have got you covered (PHEW!). For some people this holiday is just representative of slick consumerism, an invention of greeting card companies, but for others it's a beautiful excuse to celebrate romance, candy hearts, and everything saccharine. It's probably a little bit of both, but that doesn't mean it can't be fun, right? That's why...
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If you're going to be an assassin, you've got to look the part, and nobody has defined deadly good looks better than the Assassin's Creed series from Ubisoft. This infographic examines each costume through the series' progression from Altair all the way to Edward, the latest lead in Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag, where we (finally) get to run around as a limber, parkour pirate aficionado! We hope this guide is a fun look back at once was, as well as a useful tool in crafting your own...
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