Posts in the Decor Category (Page 3)

Transform your home into a haunted haven with our decor blog, where eerie elegance and spooky style come to life!

4 DIY Halloween Wreaths using a Pool Noodle

by |September 3, 2014
Categories: Decor, DIY

How to DIY Halloween Wreaths

Creating your own Halloween wreath is easier than you might think! This time of year many stores have those familiar, bright colored fun foam noodles on clearance, practically screaming for you to take them home. (Christmas decorations are already starting to flow in and they need the floor space!) Take advantage at your local discount or dollar store and snag yourself a few different colors of these water noodles. The sizes and shapes are perfect for creating a colorful base for homemade...

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4 Geeky Christmas Trees!

by |December 18, 2013
Categories: Decor, DIY, Holidays

Oh Christmas tree, oh Christmas tree, how geeky are your branches? Baubles and bangles are great for creating classically beautiful Christmas trees, but you know what's even more fun? Stormtrooper helmets, magic wands, ruby slippers, and inflatable KISS tongues! We had a blast repurposing a bunch of costumes and accessories to create 4 awesomely geektastic Christmas trees. We hope these make you giggle, guffaw, and inspire you to create a geeky tree of your own!


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DIY Walking Dead Governor's Fish Tank

by |October 11, 2013
Categories: Decor, DIY, Horror, Television

One of the most iconic sets on The Walking Dead (heck, maybe all of TV!) is the Governor's secret chill pad... the one that has an entire wall composed of decomposed zombie heads in fish tanks. We loved this so much that we thought it would make for some absolutely creepy and actually pretty easy DIY Halloween decor! Not gonna lie, after we finished we had the urge to just sit back, relax, and watch the zombie fish tank for a couple of hours...


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