Myths and urban legends often develop over time as they are formed by a community and changed through retelling the story. The Slender Man (also known as Slenderman or The Operator) has a similar origin, although this character was created by internet culture. If you were chronically online in 2009, you might have witnessed the birth of Slender Man. His mythos and influence have continued growing, spawning video games and movies. There's not a ton of official Slender Man merch, but he's a perfectly spooky Halloween costume idea. Learn more about Slenderman here, and how to assemble a DIY Slender Man costume!
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This Halloween, you and your friends will be able to save money on your costumes while still looking great! Thanks to this blank white mask and a little artistic fortitude, you will be able to be your favorite character from the band Hollywood Undead!

There are five distinct characters from the band you can create with the white mask and a little paint and glue. The sixth group member’s look can also be created with a bandana and a pair of sunglasses.
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UPDATED: September 21, 2015
Are you looking for a group Halloween costume that will combine the fun of annoying catchphrases with the fun of throwing bananas and turtle shells at your friends? Look no further than a Mario Kart group costume, my friend! So, what will you need to make this...
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The 2009 Wes Anderson film "The Fantastic Mr. Fox" (based from the classic 1970 book by Roald Dahl) is a film that is loved by so many people of all different ages, which makes it so perfect for us adults (or, you know, us kids at heart!) While it IS loved by so many people, it is still considered to be more on the "indie" side of things. This is why we think it makes such a great idea for a really fun, involved and unique costume for Halloween, which is just around the corner. What would make a...
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Extreme coupon collecting, concocting a homemade mystery dish only known as "sketti" and parading around the family pot bellied pig affectionately known as 'Glitzy' is what makes Honey Boo Boo Child and her family the most irresistible television personalities of the moment. Everybody is gathering around the water cooler to discuss the Thompson family antics and addicting lingo that has many pondering what body part June is actually referencing when she yells out, "show your belly, not your biscuit!" Nevertheless, "Here Comes Honey Boo Boo" draws an average of 2.5 million viewers an episode, not to mention generating plenty of viral noise and views on Youtube. Now you can be the sassy 'pleasantly plump' six-year-old that people can't get enough of for Halloween. Work it like Honey Boo Boo with these costume suggestions and accessory must-haves that will have you feeling ‘schmexy' and 'beautimous'!
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Do you have a little black dress laying around? If you do and are in the market for a last-minute Halloween costume idea, here are some quick and easy little black dress costume ideas to get that lbd to work for you! (Plus, these women's DIY Halloween costumes are soooo cute.) By incorporating some inexpensive costume accessories into your wardrobe, this little black dress costume can take you from the weekend before Halloween, to All-Hallows-Eve, to the Halloween after parties.
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