The best time to wear a striped sweater may be all the time, according to SpongeBob SquarePants. But, what about striped costumes? You might be surprised to see that plenty of characters wear stripes, perfect for Halloween or any creative party themes. But don't forget about animal costumes or other outside-the-box ideas! You'll love these striped costume ideas for your next costume get-together.
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Have you ever wanted to wear a bunch of SpongeBob SquarePants costumes with your friends for a birthday or just because? We'll show you the ins and outs of having the best SpongeBob theme party! Whether this will be a SpongeBob party for adults or kids is up to you, but every theme party needs costumes, food, and activities. Most important of all, let's make sure that everyone has fun. "F" is for friends who do stuff together, "U" is for you and me, and "N" is for anywhere and anytime at all, down here in the deep blue sea!
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Many young children love reading books. And sometimes, they want to dress as their favorite children's book character. You can encourage your young reader's creativity with a bit of DIY ingenuity of your own! Junie B. Jones is a children's book character published in a series of books from 1992-2013, resulting in just over 30 books! We'll show you how to dress your child (or yourself) as this almost six-year-old girl.
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If someone tells you that they’ve ‘accidentally spilled the beans,’ do you rush to the kitchen to find a broom and a pail? If so, then you’re a literal person at heart and dressing up as the one and only Amelia Bedelia would be an excellent costume choice. Get a little creative and read to a classroom full of first-graders in an Amelia Bedelia costume or dress up your little girl as her favorite storybook character before a night of trick or treating. Here are some clever ideas on how to transform into Amelia Bedelia…well, not literally!
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One of our favorite trends on social media is the costumed singing telegram. That's where someone sends a singing telegram, but the singer wears a themed costume. These are most common around birthdays or Valentine's Day, when people send singing telegrams to their loved ones. Of course, you can always wear one yourself and be the singing telegram! Let's look at some of the more popular singing telegram costumes below.
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Going to school is a lot of tough work, so throwing in some fun whenever you can is important. Events like Spirit Week, where kids have themed dress-up days every day until Homecoming is one of the most well-known school events. School may also have individual Spirit Days or their own version of Spirit Week, especially in early childhood education, for events like 100 Days of School, Read Across America, Women's History Month, and more. If you're looking for school Spirit Week ideas for dress-up, we'll share some of our favorites below, along with costume ideas for students and teachers. Let's make learning fun!
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