HalloweenCostumes.com Blog (Page 20)

Tom Hanks Costume Ideas

by |July 12, 2024
Categories: Costume Guides, Movies

Tom Hanks Costume Ideas

Many people love to dress as their favorite movie character or actor for Halloween. Why can't it be both? These Tom Hanks costume ideas are great for groups and individuals, whether you're celebrating Halloween or Hanksgiving. Tom Hanks has many wonderful film roles as an actor and voice actor in several animated movies. Keep reading to see all our favorite Tom Hanks costume ideas!


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Tween Halloween Costumes [Costume Guide]

Tween Halloween Costumes

If you're a mom or a dad at your wit's end thinking about how hard it is to make your tween happy, remember what it was like to BE a tween. It really isn't the most fun. You're starting to come into your own and develop your more mature personality, but you're still young enough that much of your life and surroundings aren't in your control. Being patient, listening, and having a thick skin are some key pieces of advice for those who go shopping with their tween. And don't forget: for a pre-teenager, appearance is just as important on Halloween as any other day. You have to let them choose what they want the most, but they can't forget that it should be mostly ok with mom and dad. Still not sure how to go about this? Here's our guide for Halloween shopping for a tween.


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Horror Hikes: Scariest Parks with Sinister Pasts

by |July 1, 2024
Categories: Horror, Resource

Horror Hikes: Scariest Parks With Sinister Pasts

Ghost stories and scary tales can be found all around us, from the buildings we live in and objects we see to places in the natural world. If you love visiting haunted locations or learning about haunted history, you might want to know about some of the United States's most famous haunted parks! Have you been to any of these parks and trails? Keep reading for spooky tales that might make the rotation in your ghost stories around the campfire.


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Bill Murray Costume Ideas

by |June 28, 2024
Categories: Costume Guides, Movies

Bill Murray Costume Ideas

Bill Murray is a legend of comedy film and television. He's played so many unforgettable characters, from Dr. Peter Venkman busting ghosts to Phil Connors living the same day over and over and over, not to mention his earlier years on Saturday Night Live. Since we're HalloweenCostumes.com, we wanted to revisit Bill Murray's costumes from his most iconic roles!


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Costume Ideas for People With Curly Hair [Costume Guide]

by |June 21, 2024
Categories: Costume Guides

Costume Ideas for People With Curly Hair

There are so many ways to choose the Halloween costume you want to wear. Is it a character you enjoy, or does the costume look comfortable? Perhaps the character looks a little bit like you? You're not alone if you like characters that share a similar hair type or style. Let's take a peek at costume ideas that pair well with curly hair! There are many great curly hair costumes for men, women, and kids if you know where to look.


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Will Ferrell Costume Ideas

by |June 14, 2024
Categories: Costume Guides, Movies

Will Ferrell Costume Ideas

There are so many ways to come up with excellent Halloween costume ideas. Maybe you look on social media for the latest trends, or you turn to nostalgia for your favorite video games and movies. Still, others might pick a favorite celebrity and dress up like them! Will Ferrell fans are lucky because they have many great Halloween costume ideas to choose from. Whether you prefer his comedic roles in SNL or Will Ferrell movie costumes, we'll share our favorites. You might just find your next costume for Halloween!


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