HalloweenCostumes.com Blog (Page 38)

2022 Halloween Coloring Pages [Printables]

by |October 3, 2022
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Categories: Printables

Halloween Coloring Pages

Break out the crayons and sharpen those colored pencils because we're debuting a new feature here at HalloweenCostumes.com: free printable Halloween coloring pages based on your favorite spooky movies and television shows. Our 2022 coloring pages include Shaggy and Scooby-Doo, Eleven from Stranger Things, the Sanderson Sisters from Hocus Pocus, and other family-friendly franchises. We also have horror icons like Freddy Krueger, Jason Voorhees, and Michael Myers. Print these Halloween coloring pages for tons of spooky fun!


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History of Horror Masks in Cinema [With Quiz]

by |September 30, 2022
Categories: Horror, Movies, Quiz, Resource

History of Horror Masks in Cinema

Some horror movie cliches are cliches because they're so effective. We're talking dim lights, suspenseful music, point-of-view camera work, and, yes, masks! They're unsettling simply because they exploit our fear of the unknown. They force us to ask ourselves: what is behind the villain's mask? That question inspired us to write this piece showing the history of masks in horror films.


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This Place Is Cursed: The Most Haunted Fictional Towns in Movies and Television

by |September 26, 2022
Categories: Horror, Movies, Resource, Television

Most Haunted Fictional Towns

What is it about small towns that immediately makes us think of horror movies? Is it the unsettling way that everyone seems to know everybody else? Perhaps the town budget isn't big enough to make the place look well-maintained. The isolation itself may make it feel like anything can happen. No matter how you slice it, the formula works! Keep reading to see some of the most haunted locations in horror movies and TV series. We're going to start with some of the least haunted places and work our way to the ones you absolutely do not want to visit! We hope you enjoy your stay.


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2022 Halloween in America Survey Results [Infographic]

by |September 19, 2022
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Categories: Infographics, Resource

2022 Halloween in America Survey Results

Stock up on candy and get the box of pumpkins and spiderwebs from the closet because Halloween is approaching fast! We were curious about Halloween traditions in 2022, so we surveyed more than 3,000 adults in the U.S. We asked about their favorite décor and least favorite candy, where they trick-or-treat, and more! Read on for the 2022 Halloween in America survey results!


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Horror Scopes: A Fusion of Fate and Fright [Infographic]

by |September 14, 2022

Horror Scopes: A Fusion of Fate and Fright

Mercury isn’t in retrograde right now but mischief and mayhem are certainly written in the stars this Halloween. For each zodiac sign, the ‘Horror-Scope’ fuses a cosmic revelation with a creepy character to shed light on your fate. Through the alignment of the planets and insight into the psyche of the most sinister villains, each star sign reveals likes and dislikes, personality traits, and advice for navigating the eeriest month of the year. Beware: celestial scares are ahead, and blaming Mercury for your frightened state won’t save you this time.


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The Most Iconic Character Beards Ever

by |September 12, 2022
Categories: Costume Guides

The Most Iconic Beards Ever

A beard really makes the character. Would Santa be so jolly without his white-as-snow whiskers? Would Mr. T be so intimidating without his full goatee and sideburns? And can you even imagine Jack Sparrow at ALL without picturing him twirling his facial hair as he stumbled about? No. We love thinking about Halloween costumes for dudes with beards, and, frankly, we can’t get enough of it. Here is our list of the characters with the most iconic beards EVER. We’ve selected only fictional bearded characters (sorry Abe Lincoln and Bob Ross), and this list is in no particular order.


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